Fletcher has been unofficially diagnosed with having a speech delay. At two years old kids should be saying at least 50 words (according to Dr.'s) and Fletch just doesn't seem to have that much to say. There is some debate on whether or not it is because he doesn't feel like he needs to talk because his brothers talk for him, or if there is really a problem. It wasn't until I was in our pediatricians office looking at a poster of children's milestones that I began to be concerned. I asked the ped. about it and she referred me to a couple of different places. After being evaluated, it was determined that he has a speech delay... I say unofficial because he hasn't actually been diagnosed by a Developmental Pediatrician... but by several therapists. I have been taking him to a speech therapist as well as an occupational therapist every week, as well as having someone come to our house to work on both ST and OT every week. He loves it! They all work with him on using "baby sign language" in addition to using real words. So far we have seen him sign the word for "more" and just today Erica (the lady that comes to our home) got him to sign for "help". She has also been able to get him to imitate some animal sounds... "moo" and "baa". And say a couple of words... "over" and today he said "yes" three different times. He has also nodded his head "yes" the last two times she has been here, which I haven't been able to get him to do for me. It is slow coming but I know he has a lot to say. He is such a smart boy in every other aspect of life, that I know it has to frustrate him that he can't communicate (verbally) his feelings with us. I have debated for a long time over whether or not to post about this, but I feel that it is important and nothing to be ashamed of. Just one of the challenges we have to work on and overcome.
2 weeks ago
It sounds like you have been a very busy mom lately! I am glad you decided to share what's going on in your family right now, and I'm glad that things are progressing for Fletcher. Please let me know if you ever need anything!!
That's awesome! Good job Kath! I know how stressful it is to worry about your kids & how hard it is to add any extra dr. visits into your life, not to mention someone coming into your home! ARen't vt's enough??!! I forgot that Fletcher seemed to be signing something to me the other day, i was gonna ask & then spaced it. I don't know how anyone manages 4 kids! You're doing a great job!
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