Monday, February 25, 2008

Tag... I'm it!

Each person tagged should answer the questions about themselves in a new blog post. At the end of the post you tag 4 people and then go to their blog and leave them a comment letting them know they've been tagged.
Here goes....

1. Where were you 10 yrs. ago? Let's See... Ten years ago I was living at home with my Mom and Dad, and working for a mortgage company called AmeriWest. (I think!) My life is a blur at this point!

2. 5 things on my "to do" list: (1) Put away babies clothes that no longer fit her. (2) Get the oil changed in my car. (3) Return library books. (4) Dust ceiling fans. (5) Take a sewing class (I got a new sewing machine for Christmas).

3. Things I'd do if I became a billionaire: Pay off debts (for sure), buy a couple of new cars, buy our dream house, furnish our new dream house, go on a clothes shopping spree for whole family, live happily ever after!

4. List 3 of my bad habits: I don't clean my bathrooms often enough, don't cut my boys fingernails often enough, and I drink too much Dr. Pepper.

5. 5 places I've lived: I have lived in Garden Grove, California... Mesa, Arizona... and San Antonio, Texas.

6. 5 jobs I've had: Sunsplash/Lifeguard, Tokyo Express/Cashier, AmeriWest Mortgage, Receptionist, Austin Distributing/Receptionist, First USA Realty/Finance Dept.

7. Name something most people don't know about me: Ummm..... Most people probably don't know that I still sleep with my blanky from when I was a baby. Not for much longer though, because the last time I washed it, it kinda disintegrated the batting inside. But, I am still holding on to it until it is NO MORE!

Now I am going to tag: Tracie, Chelsea, Kari & Lori.... have fun ladies!!!


Rushele said...

You would think that I would've known about the blankie, but I didn't!! I guess that's what I get for being out of touch for so long.
It was kinda fun doing this though, wasn't it?!!!

Jonathan and Sarah said...

Lol, I'm glad you remember... So did you ever bring your blanie when you spent the night?

Kath said...

You know what... I haven't always slept with it. One night we let my niece take it home and I didn't see it for years. It wasn't until I got it back that I started sleeping with it. So I probably didn't bring it to your house! However, I do get crap from my husband because I have a tendancy to stick it in when we go places now.