Hello everyone! My internet is finally up and running so I can catch up on all my favorite blogs! I have been going thru blog withdrawals while we have been in transition for the past two weeks, but I finally got my computer set back up and the internet going... so here I am!
Not much has happened in the past two weeks besides the ever so fun changing of addresses. Spring break was pretty uneventful for my poor children who had to put up with us constantly leaving them with Mommy Bapa (my Mom) to go get more stuff to move over.
Easter weekend was pretty exciting! On Friday evening I had to take my Mom to the ER because she had a bad kidney infection and we spent 10 hours in the ER before she got admitted. I was too tired on Saturday to make it to Bapa Bev's/Bennett's Easter Extravaganza, but my boys were lucky enough to have Aunt Scooby Doo (Tracie) come and take them. They had a great time and I am sad that I missed out on the festivities.
Amidst all the chaos these past weeks we did manage to get the kids Easter outfits for them. Yep... I got to purchase my very first Easter dress, and let me tell you it wasn't easy! Too many cute dresses out there. Here is a picture of Miss Joss in her Easter attire. (Bunny ears compliments of Parker)Unfortunately I did not get any pictures of my handsome boys. (What a bad Mom... I know) They were looking sharp though! After church we made a special Easter visit to Mommy Bapa in the hospital. We didn't get together with either of our families for dinner or anything, but Trev whipped us up a yummy dinner. Overall it was a pretty strange Easter... but we were together and that is all that matters!!!
This week Parker headed back to school and was lucky enough to go on a field trip yesterday to some horse stables. Ev is sad because he has pink eye and his mean Mommy wouldn't let him go to school. Ev and Fletch are loving their new found freedom with a yard to play in and have enjoyed riding their scooters up and down the street. And Baby Joss has two new teeth... which I am not so sure I like, since she has decided to try them out while I am feeding her. Can I just say OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And last but not least my hubby left me this morning for a 5 day fishing, fun, and boy time trip with his two brothers and their Dad. We will miss him lots, but hope he has tons of fun on this well deserved get away! Here is a photo he sent me from the plane before they took off!
6 days ago
Yay!!! I'm so glad you're back! I think I was having Kathy blog withdrawals myself! I count on your up to date blogging entirely too much.
Sounds like Treven is going to have lots of fun! We will definitely have to hang out! I'm just sad that Ev has pink eye! That's no fun, and now we can't hang out today. Oh well, let me know when he's better and we'll do something!!
Sounds good!
Hi Kathy
I am sure it is good to be done moving! Where did you move to? We have to get together soon.
Miss ya, Allison
Hallelujah! I have been stalking your blog daily waiting for an update!
Love the pic Trev sent you, what cute brothers, the middle one is pretty cute if I do say so myself. haha.
Well like the other friends who have commented I wanted to leave you a message to let you know that I am also very glad to have you back. I forgot about the whole moving thing and was like "WHERE IS SHE?!" I love reading your posts.
You are all very sweet and let me tell you... I AM GLAD TO BE BACK!
Sorry to hear about your mom. That would be tough. Ella definately missed Ev last week at pre-school, glad he's back!
Uh...time for an update!
What?!? No new posts yet? I'm getting a little anxious to hear from you again!!!!
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