I know it probably wasn't even that hot today, but I was dying for some reason! After I picked Parker up from school, we decided that it would be a good day to try out Gma's swimming pool! (Just in case it was warm enough!) So we suited up, put on some sunscreen, and headed to the pool!
Parker was the first one in, then surprisingly Ev (who is generally not big on swimming), and of course Fletch! Joss and I just sat and watched for quite a while, then I decided to get in. It was a little frigid, but not too bad once you get passed all the sensitive parts! I thought it was probably still a little cold to get Joss in, but she didn't mind having her little piggies in at all! She was enjoying some sun bathing time!
I got some pictures, but I feel like I need to address something first... Josslyn is sporting a two piece suit, which I know may strike up some concerns with some. I do need to let you know that it is not a suit that I picked out for her, nor one that I would have picked out if I had the choice. It is one that was given to us with some other clothes, and the only one I have for her since I have not been swimsuit shopping yet this season. I must admit however, that she does look pretty dang cute in it! So here you go!
6 days ago
Fun, Fun!!! I'm jealous you have a pool in your backyard right now! Maybe I'll have to invite myself over to play in the pool with you when it's a little less "frigid".
And by the way, the swimsuit on Joss is adorable!!! She's only 7 months old and if you can't where a 2 piece at 7 months old, when can you wear one? That's when it's ok to have rolls all over your body!!!
And, thank you very much for your kind comments on my latest post! I appreciate it!!!
Oh Snap your kids are so freakin cute!! And I LOVE the Joss's suit! She is not allowed! I really cant deal with her!
Oh my gosh! Joss is sooooo cute! I love that she's gotten a little chubby all of a sudden!
And yesterday was hot, it was the first day that I really felt like the heat had returned...my sweatiness certainly returned!
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