How to play this game. Post these rules on your blog; List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names....
3 Joys
1. Spending time with family
2. Dr. Pepper
3. Having a baby girl (I LOVE my boys... but I just can't get enough of Joss)
3 Fears
1. Someone breaking into my house while we are home (knock on wood)
2. Being in a bad car accident or someone that I love being in one (knock on wood)
3. Terrorism
3 goals
1. Take my family on a Disney Cruise in the not so distant future
2. Be a better homemaker (i.e. cleaning, organizing, cooking, nurturing, etc.)
3. Get the whole Family Home Evening thing down to a science
3 current obsessions/collections
1. Blogging
2. I decided that Joss would collect piggy banks... so I started her collection (she now has 2)
3. Doing laundry (LOVE IT!)
3 random/surprising facts
1. My SIL Tracie and I were best friends long before Treven and I got married
2. Trev says I can fold my hand in half. (guess that might come in handy if I ever get arrested)
3. Lame I know... but I can't think of another one.
I tag... Rushele, Kari, Chelsea, Sarah, and Trac
3 days ago
I like your goals, and I share your first fear! I try not to obsess over it, but it's always in the back of my head.
So, that sucks that you lost all your links when you used this layout! That's the one thing I LOVE about the shabby princess stuff with the SJH thing. No loss of info on your blog!!!
thanks! I was pretty excited to change out my background, but then I always wonder how cute it really is when it's that dark. Makes it kinda hard to see the words.
Getting ready to do your tag right now....finally!
Hey kath, can you tell me how you make the cool background here? thanks and hope all is well!
Super cute layout!! I think it's my favorite of yours so far!!!!!
And orange too, nice!
Is it shabbyprincess?
Happy 4th! You'll have to let me know how Prescott was when you get back.
Glad Prescott was fun!!
I'm jealous your weather was so much nicer than ours here.
And with your scrapblog header, I've found that sometimes if I have a hard time getting it to download to my computer, I have to get out of it, then go back into it and do the edit feature, then re-save it and then try to download again. Lots of times that works for me.
It's dumb, I know, but I just had to do it last night for Sarah's new header.
Where's the new posts?
I've been checking on you a lot, and still nothing new!
How is everything going?
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