The boys weren't quite sure how they felt about getting their hands all gooey at first, but then they got into it!
1 week ago
The boys weren't quite sure how they felt about getting their hands all gooey at first, but then they got into it!
Posted by Kath at 10:49 AM
You all did a fantastic job carving your pumpkins!!
I guess we'll have to do it with Raegan.....haven't yet, and we're so boring we probably wouldn't except everyone is posting that they've done it with their kids and it's starting to make me feel bad for my kid!!
Thanks for letting us play yesterday!! It was fun, as always!!
Love the pumpkins! We haven't carved ours yet either, Chris has been working late everyday this week!
I'm so glad you guys had fun at D-Land! I don't know how you did it with four kids and a prego belly, you're amazing! Can't wait to see you tonight for Halloween!
i love carving pumpkins! they look great!
Glad you guys had a fun trip too!
And I can't believe Fletcher is THREE??!! It seems like we were just visiting you in the hospital to meet him. Crazy.
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