So this summer while I was home not feeling well... Trev and Bapa Bev took the boys camping! My boys love going anywhere and everywhere with their Dad... Throw Bapa Bev in the mix and watch out... my boys are in HEAVEN! Now unfortunately I don't know many of the details of what went on during these few days, but there are some great pictures that came out of the trip, so here they are!
1 week ago
Oh my.. Fletch is soo cute!! I love his facial expressions in these pictures!!
How fun!!
Where do they go camping?
Looks like a good time.
Your kids are so flippin cute! I just love them!
Also this makes me want to go to Alpine BAD BAD BAD!!
I didn't know you were going to Disneyland! How fun!!
We went last year in mid-Sept. and it was already decorated for Halloween. It is so fun this time of year, I think!!!!
Hope you all enjoy!
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