As many of you know... I am pregnant, with only about 3 months left to go! It just dawned on me that I haven't posted much about this pregnancy, but I have been thinking a lot lately about the things I love about being pregnant and will surely miss when I am finished bearing children... which WILL be after this baby is born! It makes me kind of sad to think of this being the last time I will experience this wonderful thing that is pregnancy!
This has definitely been the most difficult pregnancy for me, as I never really felt that sick with the others. I just chalk it all up to my being older and my body being more tired than before! But even with the sicky stuff and the heartburn, I still love it!
People think I am crazy but I LOVE wearing maternity clothes. When else can you get away with looking a little on the heftier side and not feel bad about it? I love the heightened sense of smell that comes with pregnancy... not so fun when the smells of certain foods or things make you sick, but once past that initial stage, there are certain things I can't smell enough of... such as hot steamy showers, laundry soap, the smell of wet towels, and pretty much any cleaning product! I know I am CRAZY!!! But more than anything else, I love the sweet little movements that I feel from the baby growing and moving about inside! What a miracle it is that our bodies were created to carry and nurture babies!
What a blessing it has been in my life to be able to carry and have healthy, happy children! I love them all, and can't wait for this new sweet baby to join us here on earth!

Gma Anderson & Baby Joss
(Unfortunately I don't have picts of the other two at birth on this computer!)
Did you cry while writing that? I cried a little when I read it... Beautiful!!
I love being pregnant too!!
And I still say we'll have one more child....but, I know if we do, that'll be it. I'd better enjoy every second of it!!
I'm glad that you're out of your sick, yucky phase now and loving it!
Let's get together soon, we haven't hung out for a while!
UH....NO you are not done!!!!!
I second Tracie's comment... I'm hoping you have 2 or 3 more!!
Oh Kathy, how I wish I enjoyed pregnancy as much as you do! I do think you are crazy, but I enjoy the positive attitude you have about it all. Keep having babies...I need people like you to have lots of kids so I don't feel bad about having 2!
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