When Ev first started talking, he called his Aunt Trac "Scooby Doo" and the name has just sort of stuck ever since. Scooby Doo is blessed in family prayers, written on tags for gifts and I even think Trev has Scooby Doo listed on his cell phone with Tracie's number. Our boys adore her. She has been a big part of our family for a long time, starting with the fact that she was my best friend in Junior High and High School. Years later I met her big brother and we fell in love. Then the kids started coming...Scooby Doo and I shared an apartment at one point when Parker was very little. She's been to the hospital with us for every one of our kids and was even in the room with us when Joss was delivered! We've taken dozens of road trips with her to California, Prescott and Utah. She was with us when we went to New York City for Thanksgiving a few years back. And during all of these trips, she's acted as the nanny/buddy/nosewiping/bum changing Cool Aunt everytime. We can't even start to count how many times she has taken care of our kids for us. There are times when she will show up and take Parks and Ev for a little trip to Target just to get some popcorn or take them for the day when she runs around town. And they love every second of it!! Our kids are spoiled by the wonderful grandparents, aunts and uncles they have. Scooby Doo is actually living with us right now and we have a blast when she is here. There are some nights when only Scooby Doo is allowed to get drinks for the boys before bed. Ev falls asleep most nights on the couch while Scooby Doo tickles his face and plays with his hair. When I watch Scooby Doo and Parker work on homework together or play the Wii together I realize how much our kids absolutely love her. It's such a blessing to have her around and to see that awesome relationship she is building with our kids. I have a feeling that will last forever. We love Scooby Doo and we know someday she is going to make an awesome mom to her kids. The only trouble then will be helping our kids overcome the most certain sense of jealousy they will have when they see someone else experiencing the kindness and affection from their beloved Scooby Doo!
1 week ago
Very sweet!!
We have a couple of Aunts and Uncles to our children that are that special!
Sometimes I feel that Raegan and Sophie love Uncle Ryan way more than me or Scott.
He is now going to be getting married, and I keep teasing him that he won't love our girls anymore cuz he'll be gaining 15 other neices and nephews with this marriage.....those kids better watch out, our girls will fight for that man!!
Scooby Dooby Doo! Ruh-Roh - Zoinks!!
I just cried a little reading this.. That was written so well!!
She isn't known as Scooby-Doo to me but she is an amazing person!!
Chels you think you gried a little bit...GOOD GRAVY! What a very sweet post - makes me cry! Its true I am in love with these kids - sometimes I think I love them too much - haha! THank you for all you said - and thank you for letting me live at your house! I love you guys so much!
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