This years campout turned out to be one we will not soon forget!
The weekend started out with lots of fun...
quad rides, zip-lines, swings, and lots of cousins to play with!

Harper... ready to get her camp on!

Joss playing with her 2 favorite new cousins!
This swing was where Joss spent 90% of her weekend.

We celebrated the birth of my BFF Tracie!

Prob my fav camping past-time... the tent nap!!!
Unfortunately I didn't get one!

Grandpa Dave taking the girlies for a ride!

I wish I would have gotten more pics of my boys.
They had so much fun on the zip-lines and shooting but I didn't catch
any of it... so sad!
Ev was happy that Dad let him steer on their quad ride!

And you gotta love the dirty faces that come with camping...
especially when its windy!
The real fun began on Saturday evening around dinner time.
Trac and I had gone out on one of the quads... and came back to everyone
yelling and screaming at us to hurry and for me to jump in the car.
Joss had been riding in the kids train (you won't really know what that is unless you know the Burk family... sorry!) and it had apparently hit a big rock and tipped over.
Joss smacked her head on a trailer that was parked nearby, and had a huge gaping cut on her eyebrow. I jumped in the car and we headed to the urgent care in Williams, which was about 10-15 minutes away. Luckily we got there right before they closed, and they were able to stitch it all up. Not without a good fight from Joss though. She kicked and screamed the whole time. They finally had to wrap her up so that she couldn't move. Anyways... they ended up having to do 2 layers of stiches because it was so deep. 3 stitches inside and 5 stitches to close up the cut. Then there was a little cut underneath her eye, and they put 1 stitch in there too. It was sooo sad!

This was a couple hours after the accident, when we finally got back from
urgent care.

Ahh... still smiling! Sweet girl!
She was a trooper the rest of the time we were camping!
The next morning she was up and running around like nothing happened.

This is the morning after the accident.

This is 2 days after the accident.
Everytime she would happen to see her reflection in the window or mirror, she would be surprised like she didn't remember that she was hurt.
Poor baby!
It is now 5 days later and it looks so much better!