Sometimes you just need a break! We definitely try to go out on a date at least once every weekend, and for those of you who don't, I highly recommend it. During the week I just seem to get sucked into the everyday routine and come the weekend, I feel like I will pull my hair out if I don't get away. Last weekend we didn't go out, because we were still trying to get caught up on "Lost" even though we had already missed the season opener that week. Oh well, we are all caught up now! Needless to say this weekends date was a MUST. So tonight we went to see Fool's Gold with a small group, and it was great. Sometimes (Okay always... since this is all we ever do)I just love sitting in a movie theatre, stuffing my face with popcorn, sipping on a Dr. Pepper, and watching a good flick. Which this one was! I will admit that I wasn't too excited to see this particular movie, but there aren't really any others out right now either, so I just went along with it. It was pretty dang funny. I will say that I actually laughed out loud a couple of times! Kate Hudson and Matthew McCounaghey, as my husband put it, are a couple of (and I quote)"Parumpapumpums!" Yeah, how HOT are they!?! Anyways, enough about the movie! After the movie we decided to go meal up, since we hadn't eaten dinner, so our small group made our way to the local Applebees. Overall it was another successful date night... Much in part to our lovely, loyal, and wonderful babysitter Gabby! We love you Gabby!
1 week ago
Love the date night blog! - I think I need date night with a man - Im laughing at what you wrote about last night and what I wrote last night LOL!! But I do really like the "barumpapppumpum" They are that and then some!! Im sad I missed AppleBees - but someone help my left side pain I thought I was gonna die!
Fun!! Scott and I actually went to that very same movie last night with Brian and Kristi. I thought it was pretty cute too.
Maybe one of these days we'll do a date night together, that'd be fun. It's been a long, long time since that's happened.
That would be fun!
Amen. Date night is essential. I look forward to it the same way I looked forward to summer when I was a kid! Wait, I still look forward to summer. Anyways, the blog is looking very nice!
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