Last week Fletcher and Joss both had coughs, so I took them to the Dr. on Friday and of course the Dr. just said that it was a virus and that it had to run it's course... ($30 later). You would think I would learn my lesson about taking them to the Dr. for nothing... but you never know! Earlier this week, Fletcher started having a fever and moping about. I thought I would just control it with Motrin and "let it runs it's course." But in the middle of the night he got worse and we almost ended up taking him to urgent care because he was burning up. The next morning, he threw up everything he had to eat or drink. I called my Ped's office and they told me to just bring him in and they would check him out. So I get there (thanks to my wonderful husband Treven for staying home with my other 3 kids) and Fletcher throws up all over the couch, himself, his blanket, me, and my purse. A little embarrassing, but hey it's a Dr.'s office right!?! Apparently this wasn't the first time this had happened there, because the receptionist just came out with a bottle of Lysol and a cloth and cleaned it right up. Well, come to find out my poor baby Fletcher has pneumonia! I hate seeing my babies so sick... I feel so helpless. We got a couple of prescriptions from the Dr. and Fletch seems to be feeling much better now... Running around like he was never sick!
1 week ago
So first of all I love your new template! I tried to do that, and well three hours later and the wrong formatting I decided to quit! I'm waiting for Chris to help me!
And I'm sorry your kids have been sick, that's never fun! Let me know if you need anything. Miss you guys!
I'm sorry to hear that your children have been under the weather once again!!! That really stinks! It's the worst too once your family begins to grow.
So, you're always changing up your blog template, it's way cute!! I think this one is my favorite so far!
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