Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A Tribute to President Gordon B. Hinckley


Nic said...

Thanks for sharing, I can't get enough of President Hinckley. I was so touched by the funeral & all the tributes that have been on the BYU channel. He just lived his life in such an inspiring way.

Heather said...

Thanks for putting that up Kath. What a great way to start my day! I definitely needed that! He's such a sweet man!

Rushele said...

That was a beautiful tribute to him, good find! And I love Josh Groban's music. That song is a perfect fit!
Oh, and Kristi made the bow Sophie's wearing in my last posting. She took a class at Ribbons and Lace when she found out she was having a girl. I think I'm gonna have her teach me how to do them.

Jonathan and Sarah said...

That was so sweet and special. Thank you for posting that so everyone can see it. :)

Jonathan and Sarah said...

This is not in regards to the Hinckley post... LOL, I'm a nerd I should have told you who I was but I thought you would be able to look at my profile and see... but now that I think about it you probably couldn't. SORRY!