To break up our daily routine of watching cartoons all afternoon, I try to get the boys out for some fresh air every once in a while. If it's not going to Target to scope out the Clearance shelves while eating some REALLY salty popcorn, then it's usually by taking a trip to the park. Now we have gone to quite a few parks in search for our favorite, and the boys really seemed to like this one.... Falcon Hill Park. I liked it because the sidewalk goes all the way around the playground so Joss and I got some exercise in, while the boys played. Gotta take advantage of this beautiful weather while it is here!!!Of course Parker volunteered himself to be the one everyone else gets to bury. That's gotta feel good!
Miss Joss chillin in her stroller!
1 week ago
Where is this Falcoln Hill Park? We should meet up at the park sometime and let the kids play together while we hang out and catch up.
Raegan LOVES being outside and especially playing at the park!
Falcon Hill is off of Power and McKellips. It's kinda far from you, but we could definitely meet up and one between us. My kids love the Skyline part too, on Crismon. That would be fun!
That would be fun! And I actually have not taken Raegan to the Skyline Park yet. Not sure why since it's so close, but I guess I mainly stick to the ones in our subdivisions out here. I'm boring.
But, whichever one you wanna go to let's do it!!
Gotta love park time! I love that your kids actually play on all the toys, Madi only likes to swing!
Love your new blog decor too! So bright and the new pics are darling!
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