Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Story Time

Part of Parker's homework every night is to read for at least 15 minutes. With lots of practice he has become quite the little reader, and reads anything and everything he can see. Here he was reading some Dr. Seuss to Baby Joss.


Rushele said...

That is so cute! Looks like she really enjoys being with her big brothers.

Kath said...

Joss loves her brothers. It is so funny because when I am holding her in her room and any of them come in, she just stares at them and gets a big grin on her face!

Rushele said...

Very cute!!!
Sophie likes to watch Raegan too.

Heather said...

Crap that's cute! I need a baby now...can I borrow her!

Kath said...

Nope! You have to have your own. Could you please?