I have no new pictures to post from Trev and Ted's excellent adventure today. But here are a couple of the places that they visited yesterday.Here is Trev in front of the METropolitan Museum of Art. Treven and Ted were both really looking forward to going here and from what I understand they were there for something like 3 hours! WOW! They did however manage to miss this cool sculpture that was up on the roof.
That is one I would have liked to have seen! A giant balloon dog.
Here is Trev again standing in front of the Dakota Hotel, where John Lennon lived and was shot. From what I understand, it happened just inside those gates. (I could be totally wrong though!)
That is all I have from them. We sure are looking forward to having him home, but we are having some fun ourselves...
This afternoon we were lucky enough to go have lunch with some friends at Red Robin, go to Old Navy, then go play in the little water area at the SanTan Village shopping center. We went with my friend Rushele, and her two adorable little girls, Raegan and Sophie. Here are a couple pics from our adventure.Ev and Raegan at Old Navy!
Joss at the water thingy! (Her hat looks very sombrero-ee in this pic, but it really is cute... I promise!)
Here is Fletch and Parker playing in the water!!! Ev was off running around with Raegan .
We had lots of fun (not so much fun at Red Robin... surprise, surprise!) with Rushele and her girls! Thanks for the fun day ladies!!!
6 days ago
Yay! We got featured on your blog. I feel honored!!
We had a lot of fun today too! Glad we could all hang out.
It was however a long afternoon outdoors, and we are all wiped out over here!! The girls both went right to bed. Thank heavens...
I wish I could say the same! Fletch is still wide awake and it is 10:30. I thought he would be the first one out.
Wow you have been one busy mama! You're brave...taking four kids out by yourself and even to a restaurant, I get nervous with 1. Good Job!
And where is that little water place? Tempe Splash park isn't open yet and I've been wanting to take Madi somewhere like that.
Oh and I love the new design on your page...how do you even do such a thing?
I love it! The layout turned out so cute! And I see you did a scrapblog header too....very nice!!
Isn't it so easy once you've figured it out?
I don't think I even saw this paper when I downloaded mine. Cute, Cute!!!!
Hey miss Kathy! How are you. You're little ones are so cute. When did they get so big? What part of town are you guys living, now? I'm jealous of trev in NY. Those are the exact same photo spots(ops) I want, whenever I get to go. In fact I might do some photoshopping so it looks like I was the one at the Dakota house and the park:) j/k. I'm glad we all have blogs now. It is such a good way to keep in contact.
That pic of Jossy is the cutest thing ever!!
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