What a week for everyone in our family to get sick... Just in time for Christmas! I don't know where we picked up the bug, but we have had it good at our house. It all started with Fletcher last Friday night. We had a bbsitter and while we were out she texted us that Fletcher was throwing up. I just assumed that it was the strep throat that Parker had the week before, so I got him on some antibiotics ASAP. Sure enough on Monday night while we had a bbsitter again, Evrett started throwing up and could not keep anything down. Only this time I didn't think strep because he didn't have any of the symptons that I was used to seeing. That same night my SIL Tracie started throwing up as well. And during that night I was up with Joss several times because she was throwing up too. Poor babies! Joss & Ev seemed fine all day Tuesday, but Tracie was down all day. I thought we were in the clear because everyone seemed to be doing fine all day Wednesday and even Thursday, until about 1:00 when Treven started feeling it come on. Sure enough he followed in the pattern we had seen with the others, and by bedtime Parker was throwing up too. It is now Friday... one week after this all started and everyone has been fine today. Trev still feels a little queezy but hasn't thrown up since early this morning. I am seriously hoping to make it thru this round of yuck, without being affected, but won't hold my breath. And hopefully everyone else is done for a while with this yucky bug!
3 days ago
So Sad!!!! I'm sorry that everyone has been sick, and I truely hope you can pass it up!
It totally sucks being pregnant and sick, or having to take care of everyone else being sick.
Let me know if you need anything!
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