When we got home from camping last weekend, my Mom told me that my Grandma was in the hospital and was not doing well. Treven suggested that I go with my Mom up to visit my Grandma in Utah, since we had not been to see her in a while. We decided that it would be best for me to take Parker and Joss with us, since we would be going to the hospital and the other two kids tend to get a little CRAZY! So... We packed up our stuff and headed out on Wednesday afternoon. We made it as far as Kanab and got a room for the night, and the next morning we started out for Fillmore. I had not expected such an emotional ride, but as we rode along talking about my Dad, and passing places where he lived, worked, went to school, etc. I couldn't help but remember him telling me stories about these places and I really began to miss him. So... I cried! A long while later, we finally arrived in Fillmore. The whole way there we talked about how this was Parker's Great Grandma and so Parker kept asking us, "Now is she really a Great Grandma... Was she a Great Mom too?" He was really cute and didn't quite get the whole "Great" concept. When we went to see her the first time Parker started to get teary eyed and when we left he asked me if I knew why he was crying. I said no and he said it was because he was just so happy to see her! What a sweet heart! He really was glad to see her and I am glad that he had this opportunity to meet her and to talk with her a little. The next day we went to see her he wanted to buy her a flower. Well... My Aunt just so happens to own the only flower shop there in town, so he gave her his $5 and told her that he wanted a red flower for Great Gma. He was so proud of the red rose that she fixed up for him and he even wrote on the card, "Get well soon Agnes!" She loved it! He was such a sweetie the whole time we were gone, even though it was boring at times. I decided to take him swimming at the town pool one day for a little entertainment. It was pretty fun! We left to come home on Sunday morning and after a LONG day of driving, we finally made it home. Parker was SOOO excited to get home to his Dad and Brothers... and of course I was too!
6 days ago
Parker is such a sweetheart!
So smart and inquisitive too.
I love his new hair cut!
OMG, I love the picture of Parker with the Rose....I totally can tell he was so proud of that Rose for Grandma....he is the sweetest little boy.....thanks for sharing! I love you all!
Aunt Kari
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