Monday, December 8, 2008

For the LOVE...

of doing LAUNDRY!?!


Some of you may know about my FREAKISH obsession/issue with doing laundry! (I may need counseling!)  I LOVE IT!  I cannot do enough laundry in a day to completely satisfy my needs.  Luckily between myself, Treven, and 4 kids there is always lots of dirty clothes, bedding, blankies, towels, etc. to keep me pretty busy.  However, there are times when I am completely caught up on all the daily stuff, which leaves me frantically searching the house for random things I can wash.  It is seriously that bad!  I will admit that this is a somewhat newly acquired problem... because there have been times in my life when I would absolutely dread going to the laundry room.  But now I can't stay out of it!!!  

There are a few drawbacks to having this obsession, i.e. the water bill, electric bill, etc.  but I try to only do laundry during the cheaper hours of the day (time-of-use plan w/SRP).  I have a tendancy to justify it all by telling myself that doing laundry is what helps me keep my sanity.  Some people take pills, I do laundry!  My house may not always be clean, but at least our clothes smell good!  

Soo...  If you ever need your laundry done and you don't feel like doing it, chances are I may need something more to wash! Bring it on over!


Rushele said...

You are hilarious!!!
Too bad I didn't realize before that you obsession was so bad, I just had a couple of days worth of laundry to do.....loads and loads!!
We had to get a new washer/dryer and in the meantime everything that may have possibly made a small load in the beginning grew to be 2 and 3 loads and more.
Luckily I'm all caught up now though!
I do love the smell of the detergents and softners too!